Fundo Vale – Fique por Dentro – Nº 2 – Inglês
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Edition 2 – October 2021
Impact Reports

“2030 Voluntary Forest Commitment” series
Interview 2 – Valmir Ortega and Luis Fernando Laranja

To meet the challenge of restoring and protecting 500,000 hectares of Brazilian jungle by 2030, it is necessary to join forces and enlist those who understand the subject. Learn about Belterra and Caaporã, two startups created, incubated and developed in response to Fundo Vale’s demands to contribute to the 2030 Voluntary Forest Commitment of its sponsor, Vale.

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Founding partner, Belterra
Luis Fernando Laranja
Founding partner, Caaporã
PrevisIA is recognized as among best practices at COP15

PrevisIA was selected among notable innovative practices for biodiversity conservation at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), which took place in Kunming, China on September 26. The platform was developed by the Institute for the Amazon’s People and Environment (Imazon), in partnership with Fundo Vale and Microsoft. PrevisIA uses artificial intelligence technology and georeferenced maps to encourage preventive actions that protect the Amazon rainforest. COP15 was organized by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment and Chinese NGO Network for International Exchanges. Twenty-two winners were selected for public recognition from out of 258 innovative proposals submitted by 196 organizations in 26 countries.

Synergy – Amazon Journey

New partnership is aimed at strengthening the Amazon’s bioeconomy

Fundo Vale has just entered into an agreement to support Amazon Journey, an initiative coordinated by the CERTI Foundatino, which seeks to activate the region’s innovation ecosystems. The aim is to generate economic value for the forest through innovative entrepreneurship, by organizing, coordinating and connecting talents, companies and markets. The program’s first initiative selected 30 startups for the first stage, in which their businesses will be supported. The idea is to promote transformative connections to boost competitiveness and these startups’ positive impacts in the Amazon region.

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What is
carbon neutrality

Carbon neutrality occurs by cutting emissions through mitigation actions and the compensation of residual emissions by natural and/or artificial sinks. The implementation of agroforestry systems is considered a natural sink with an additional advantage beyond carbon sequestration and combating climate change: it can have a positive impact and increase income generation for small producers

Fundo Vale recommends

Forest Recipes

Do you know what cooking has to do with biodiversity and environmental conservation? Everything! Watch “Forest Recipes,” a web series presented by Kátia Barbosa, a renowned chef, and Jorge Ferreira, a researcher into non-conventional food plants in the Atlantic Forest. They were invited to discover the charms of Vale Natural Reserve in Linhares, Espírito Santo. Together, they visited the forest in search of ingredients for incredible dishes and many stories.

Ecosystem news
Café Apuí gains new visual identity designed by Future Brand

Café Apuí, a business developed by the company Amazônia Agroflorestal and the Amazon Conservation and Sustainable Development Institute (Idesam), has formed a partnership with Future Brand, a branding consulting firm that transforms brands through purpose and experience. The idea is to present this coffee’s backstory to the Brazilian market, highlighting its transformations and the opportunities it has created for the local community, while reinforcing the importance of caring for the forest through sustainable management (agroforestry) and the planting of native trees. Forest biodiversity is the protagonist of the new visual identity, focusing on the heliconia flower, the buriti tree and the howler monkey.

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Articles & Publications
Partners for the Amazon Platform’s Acceleration Program launches 2020 Impact Report
Find out more about the results of the Partners for the Amazon Platform’s Acceleration Program in its recently launched 2020 Impact Report. The publication presents a portrait of the 2020 acceleration journey, which in the context of the pandemic needed to be transformed to meet businesses’ needs and demands. Dialogue took place through virtual meetings, at which strategies to strengthen entrepreneurs and make them more resilient were discussed. The program also channeled working capital to eight accelerated businesses facing difficulties in the pandemic. The 12 accelerated businesses received direct investment totaling R$4,430,901.80. They are now part of the portfolio of AMAZ, an accelerator coordinated by Idesam. Fundo Vale is one of AMAZ’s founding funders.

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18 a 20

The World BioEconomy Forum will be held in Brazil this year, in Belém, the state capital of Pará, located near the mouth of the Amazon River. The focus will be on sharing experiences about the subject and specific regional factors, especially lessons learned from cases in Brazil and Pará in particular. (Click Here)

19 a 20

Brazilian Origins Network’s 3rd Governance Meeting.
(Click Here)

October 26

Meeting of Latimpacto Learning Community on Innovative Financial Mechanisms. (Click Here)

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