As we approach our 10 years of existence, we have identified the need to review our strategy and establish long-term goals.

Thus, in 2020, we brought together partners, specialists, Vale’s leaders and our team to organize the knowledge and lessons learned from a decade of journey and discuss future trends in the socio-environmental agenda.

From this deep dive, the Theory of Change (TM) of the Vale 2030 Fund was born, a set of principles, strategies, results, impacts and commitments, which will guide how the Vale Fund’s resources will be allocated going forward, maintaining our purpose. The document consolidates the vision that, in order to leverage a new, sustainable and inclusive economy, the Vale Fund’s agenda will go beyond the philanthropic promotion of initiatives, and include investment in its agenda.

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In practice, we have already developed and strengthened financial impact mechanisms, as well as seeking sustainable and innovative ways of capitalizing and enhancing projects. Our objective is to support their autonomy, scale and impacts so that they become a reality and lead to the restoration of biomes and environmental conservation.

This new model includes unlocking access to financial resources and markets for businesses that value intact forests and making production chains more sustainable. It also means helping attract other investors and engaging strategic stakeholders so that these businesses flourish and seed capital returns and can be reinvested in new projects and businesses, generating a virtuous cycle.

Construction Process

Interviews with 11 Fundo Vale partners and 18 Vale leaders;
Internal workshop for alignment with Sustainable Development Goals;
Webinars with opinion leaders, including Professor Carlos Nobre, one of 10 specialists involved;
Vale internal committee meetings;
Participation of 38 Fundo Vale partners in two virtual meetings;
Production of consolidated impact indicators in accordance with the Theory of Change;

Action Strategies

Our action is based on strengthening the ecosystem of businesses with positive social and environmental impacts through five strategies (called 5Cs) that encompass what is considered essential to structure a fabric of action that allows us to achieve the results stated in the Theory of Change.

Sustainable development goals

The Vale Fund built its strategy in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and here highlights the goals to which it must contribute through its institutional performance.

main SDGs
Cross-cutting SDGs

Expected results

The results that Fundo Vale plans to achieve are structured into two time periods, which also define the degree of governability or control it will have over these ambitions.

2025 results

Ze drukken de “sfeer van bestuurbaarheid” uit, dat wil zeggen die waarover het vermogen om te controleren groter is, van directe attributie.

2030 results

Ze drukken de ‘invloedssfeer’ van het Vale Fund uit, die het potentieel hebben om voorwaarden te scheppen om tegen 2030 impact te hebben. In die zin is de relatie van het Vale Fund met dergelijke ambities er een van bijdragen.

Expected results in 2025
  1. Structured social and environmental impact businesses, generating a financial return and with the potential to gain scale.
  2. Dynamic organizations in the social and environmental impact ecosystem with the organizational capacity to support entrepreneurs at all stages of business development.
  3. Vale employees, organizations and partner companies engaged in the positive social and environmental impact agenda, focusing on a sustainable, fair and inclusive economy.
  4. Financial instruments leveraging resources for the social and environmental impact sector.
  5. Innovative social and environmental impact solutions contributing to Vale’s sustainability commitments regarding the forest and climate change agendas.
Expected results in 2030
  1. Structured value chains for social and environmental products and services.
  2. Financial resources leveraged for forest protection and restoration, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and other sustainability initiatives.
  3. Vale’s 2050 carbon neutrality strategy, involving forest protection and measures to tackle illegal deforestation in the Amazon, social and environmental impact businesses and the formation of a bioeconomy.

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