In 2010, when the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were still the Millennium Goals, and an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) agenda had not been incorporated into the analysis of investment funds, Vale, the second largest mining company in the world , launched its Sustainable Development Policy and, in parallel, created a voluntary mechanism for private social investment focused on the socio-environmental agenda: the Vale Fund.

Since we were founded, we have supported broad-based social and environmental transformation projects that promote a low-carbon, regenerative and sustainable economy. As of 2020, we had invested R$135 million in more than 80 initiatives run by civil society organizations and startups, building a legacy that combines conservation and restoration of threatened areas with social and environmental impact businesses, helping protect more than 23 million hectares of forests.


Planned to operate in critical biomes, starting in the Amazon, we connect institutions and initiatives that promote sustainable development, supporting sustainable production projects, monitoring deforestation, fostering local governance and improving environmental management.

Ten years later, Vale reaffirmed its commitment to sustainability and announced targets for 2030 and 2050, in the themes of climate change, energy, water, forest, socioeconomic contribution and ESG.

It also took a stand for Amazon conservation actions through a manifesto. These commitments include continued support for the Vale Fund. We believe that joint efforts with our sponsor can leverage greater results and investments in favor of a positive social and environmental impact.


To lean about our #tbtfundovale series, which recounts a little of our 10-year history.

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Our History


Fundo Vale 2030 Theory of Change

Launch of Agroforestry Challenge

COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan (Conexsus)

Creation of Latimpacto

Belterra Foundation

Support for Impact Investments and Businesses Alliance (ICE)

Converge Capital Conference

Supported project

COVID Social and Environmental Response Plan (Conexsus)

Emergency Credit Line (Fundo CX);

Café Apuí (Amazônia Agroflorestal);

Global Panorama of Impact Investments and Businesses in Latin America (ANDE);

Strengthening of Impact Ecosystem (ICE);

Amazon Deforestation Risk Platform with Artificial Intelligence (Imazon);

Latimpacto: Latin American Venture Philanthropy Network (Instituto Phi);

Agroforestry Challenge (Troposlab);

Amazon Impact Accelerator (AMAZ) – bridge project (Idesam)

Start of work on Vale forest commitment – Native R&D

Fundo Vale joins ANDE

Launch of Amazon Lab – Logistics and Marketing (Climate Ventures)

Supported project

New projects: FIIMP 2 – Impact Foundations and Institutes (Phi Institute);

Impact Investments and Businesses Forum, Belo Horizonte and Mozambique (Baanko);

Partners for the Amazon Platform (PPA)

Bioeconomy Acceleration Program (Idesam);

Amazon Social and Biological Diversity Product Logistics and Marketing Lab (Climate Ventures)

First public contest for Partners for the Amazon Platform (PPA)

Acceleration Program (Idesam)

Launch of Conexsus Challenge

Supported project

Good Businesses for the Climate Platform (Aoka); 

Conexsus Challenge (Conexsus)

Fundo Vale joins FIIMP

Fundo Vale ranked among top 10 Amazon conservation funders (Moore Foundation study)

Supported project

New projects: Impact Foundations and Institutes (FIIMP/Sitawi)

Opening of Active Forest Experimental Center in Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve (Health and Happiness)

Launch of Brazilian Origins Certification (Imaflora/ISA)

Sustainable Business Workshops in Amazon, Brasília and São Paulo

Supported project

Strengthening of Traditional Peoples and Communities in Social and Biological Diversity Production Chains (Ecam);

Building Alternative Community Enterprise Management Models for Sustainability of Amazon Social and Biological Diversity Products (FVA);

Sustainable Family Production in Mato Grosso Amazon (ICV);

Agroforestry Production Chains in Southern Amazonas (Idesam);

More Value Project: Sustainable Economies in Southern Amazonas (IEB);

Strengthening of Value Chains in Amazon (Forcav) (IEB);

Community Forests (IFT);

Forests of Value – New Business Models for the Amazon (Imaflora);

Social and Biological Diversity in Xingu (ISA);

Strengthening of Bailique Community Protocol (Oela / GTA);

Active Forest Center to Support Social and Biological Diversity Production Chains (Health and Happiness)

Creation of Mato Grosso Sustainable Municipalities Program

Creation of Amazon Sustainable Cattle Ranching Program (PECSA)

Strengthening of Xingu Canteens (ISA)

Forest Use Authorization in Ituxi Extractive Reserve, Amazonas (IFT)

Fundo Vale Head Office Move from Rio de Janeiro to Belo Horizonte

Supported project

Support for Sustainable Production Chains on Brazilian Amazon Coast (CSF);

Strengthening of Social and Environmental Governance in Pará and Amapá (IEB);

Amazon Coordination in Context of Climate Crisis (ARA/ICV);

Strengthening of Social and Environmental Management in Rondônia (Ecam)

Installation of nut processing plant in Rio Negro River Basin (FVA)

Launch of Bailique Community Protocol (Oela/GTA)

Top 10 Conservation Funders in Amazon (Moore Foundation study)

Von Martius Sustainability Awards – Brazil-Germany Chamber of Commerce and Industry

10th Brazilian Environmental Awards – Amcham Rio

Supported project

Economic Alternatives for the Amazon (Forest Trends/Ecam);

Regional Planning in Southern Amazonas (IEB);

Community and Family Forest Management in Public Forests of the Amazon (IFT);

Strengthening of Sustainable Production Chains and Markets in Xingu Corridor (Imaflora);

Paths to Integrated Management of Conservation Areas (ISA);

Intercultural Dialogue and Regional Management in Xingu (ISA);

Support for Sustainable Production Chains on Brazilian Amazon Coast (UNESCO);

Northwest Mato Grosso (ICV);

Institutional Strengthening in Amapá (IEB);

Xingu Sustainable Environment – XAS III (IEB)

10th meeting of Xingu Seeds Network (ISA)

50th anniversary of Xingu Indigenous People’s Park (ISA)

Ozires Silva Sustainable Enterprise Awards – ISAE/FGV

Von Martius Sustainability Awards – Brazil-Germany Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Brazilian Forest Agenda Workshops

Supported project

Economic Alternatives for the Amazon (Ecam);

Economic Alternatives for the Amazon (Forest Trends);

People for Conservation and Conservation for People (FVA);

Amapá Community Protocol (OELA);

Active Forests (Health and Happiness);

Contributions to Brazilian Sustainability Agenda (UNESCO);

Sowing Sustainability in Apuí II (Idesam);

Strengthening of Regional Management in Marajó (IEB)

Creation of New Field Program (ICV)

8th Brazilian Environmental Awards – Amcham Rio

Green Project Awards Brazil – Green Savers

Supported project

Sustainability Agenda for Suruí People (Ecam);

Amazon Eco-Clusters XXI (IPÊ);

Consolidation of Terra do Meio Conservation Areas (AS);

Consolidation of Collaborative Agenda to Strengthen Coordination in Amazon (ARA/ICV);

Ecosystem Service Incentive Matrix (Forest Trends);

Strengthening of Decision Making for Sustainable Management of Forests and Localities (Avina Foundation / Faro Group);

Integrated Low-Carbon Cattle Ranching (ICV);

Coffee in Agroforestry (Idesam);

Strengthening of Forest Governance Along BR-163 Highway (IEB)

Creation of Green Municipalities of Pará Program

Brazilian Environmental Benchmarking Awards (BenchMais)

2011 Brazilian Environmental Action Awards – Jornal do Brasil and Firjan.

Supported project

Florestabilidade (FRM);

Forest Certification in Terra do Meio (Imaflora);

Strategic Support for Calha Norte Region of Pará (Imazon);

Xingu Social Diversity Corridor (ISA);

Seeking Sustainability of Protected Areas and Biosphere Reserves (UNESCO);

Cattle Ranching (Amigos da Terra);

Cotriguaçu Forever Green (ICV);

Sowing Sustainability in Apuí (Idesam);

Xingu Sustainable Environment – XASII (IEB);

Sustainable Local Development in Southern Amazonas (IEB);

Sustainable Almeirim II (IFT);

Forests of Value (Imaflora);

Economic Fundamentals for More Sustainable Cattle Ranching in Pará (Imazon);

Green Cattle Ranching (SPRP);

Start of operations and first projects are implemented as part of three work programs: Green Municipalities, Protected Areas and Biodiversity, and Strategic Monitoring

Fundo Vale launch event

Supported project

Viva Marajó (Peabiru Institute)

Launch of Vale’s Sustainability Policy

Creation of Fundo Vale

Supported project

Support for Forest Resources of Terra do Meio Extractive Reserve and Conservation of Calha Norte Region (Imaflora);

Terra do Meio (ISA);

Sustainable Amazon (Imazon);

São Félix do Xingu – XAS I (IEB);

Sustainable Almeirim (IFT);

Green Municipalities of the Amazon (TNC)