The aim was to get to know the organization in order to support the strengthening of local production processes, from management to the marketing of items such as rubber and pirarucu fish

Representatives of Fundo Vale, the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) and other social and environmental organizations recently met with the Carauari Rural Producers’ Association (ASPROC). The visit to the municipality of Carauari, Amazonas took place during an assembly of the association, which receives support from various partners for conservation and sustainable harvesting of typical Amazonian products, such as pirarucu fish and rubber. The participants included Fundo Vale director Patrícia Daros and ICMBio president Mauro Pires.
The visit enabled Fundo Vale to learn in detail about the production and processing of pirarucu and rubber, as well as the work carried out by the association with local communities. The goal is to help strengthen local production processes, from management to marketing, including support for the construction of a trading post.